Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Christmas Gift

Christmas has now come and gone and this is the first one post transplant. It has been a long road and I finally found out just how far. My wife and I were opening presents from family and friends when I came across a gift from my eldest sister. It was a tin man ornament. It looked sort of old and weathered which confused me at first. With this gift was a note which reads

"I made this ornament when my first born was a baby, so it's about 35 yrs old. Who'd have ever thought it would carry such significance in our family after all these years! It's so wonderful that your wish 'If I only had a heart' has finally come true, tho like the original tin man, we all know you have had the biggest heart - in your spirit and how you live your life. You, Baby Brother, will always be an inspiration to me."

After a short bout of tears, my wife and I looked at each other with the same expression on our faces. The look of understanding, just a bit better, than we had before. The second chance I have been granted is only worth what I make it. My transplant experience has been less than my favorite thus far and I have found myself on the pity train more than once. Support like this gives me the strength to work at my recovery and understanding that this gift has effected more than just me makes it all the more precious.

Be good to each other,
Tin Man

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful Christmas it was! Mar's gift made it all the more special for us to remember the best gift we all got this year was YOU Jim!
